Imaging Modality

  • Lightsheet microscopy
  • Volumetric imaging of large, optically clear samples
  • Enables throughput imaging of multiple samples with different settings.
  • Multi-immersion (water, wide range of clearing solutions, both organic based and water-based). 


  • Custom hardware 
  • ASI motorized stage
    • XY stage range = 200mm. 16TPI scan-optimized (x axis)
  • Laser lines: 
    • 405nm - 200mW
    • 488nm - 150mW
    • 561nm - 150mW
    • 639nm - 150mW
  • Emission filters 
    • Chroma ET445/58m
    • Chroma ET525/50m
    • Chroma ET600/50m
    • Chroma ET690/50m
  • 16bit Hamamatsu ORCA Fusion sCMOS monochrome camera

Objective Lenses

All objectives are multi-immersion dipping objectives

  • 1.8X 
    • NA 0.1
    • working distance = 25mm, sample imagable thickness = 12mm
    • Pixel size = 3.6um
    • FOV = 7.2mm
  • 3.6X 
    • NA 0.2
    • working distance = 18mm, sample imagable thickness = 8mm
    • Pixel size = 1.8um
    • FOV = 3.6mm
  • 9X 
    • NA 0.3
    • working distance = 25mm, sample imagable thickness = 8mm
    • Pixel size = 0.72um
    • FOV = 1.4mm
  • 22X 
    • NA 0.7
    • working distance = 10mm, sample imagable thickness = 2mm
    • Pixel size = 0.3um
    • FOV = 0.6mm