New CellProfiler workshop from the Broad Institute in collaboration with HMS MicRoN! Open to all
We present a new (virtual) workshop series on CellProfiler in two parts. The first is an introduction to CellProfiler and will cover the basics of how to build reproducible image analysis pipelines in CellProfiler to segment and measure cells. The second workshop is a new advanced workshop detailing how to use CellProfiler plugins runStardist and runCellpose to segment challenging images using deep learning models. These workshops are open to all so feel free to invite students, collaborators, etc. Details below:
Part 1: Introduction to CellProfiler August 15th 2022. 1-5 PM
Part 2: Using plugins in CellProfiler (StarDist and Cellpose) August 17th 2022. 1-4 PM
Note: to attend part 2, you must attend part 1!
Sign-up link: http://broad.io/MicRoN_HMSCellProfiler
Fill out the sign-up form by August 8th.